The rains came and left but were replaced by heavy winds. On Friday the test session and first qualifying round were cancelled due to the continued rain, but the weather forecast for Saturday looked promising. On a personal note, the rains and traffic were so bad that it took us almost 8 hours to get to Capitol which is generally a 5-hour ride. The horrific forecast, weather, along with weather related issues and tow vehicle breakdowns caused 5 racers not to show up. Very upsetting to our fan base, me and the track
On Saturday the sun was out and so were the breezes with 35- 40 MPH winds. That didn’t stop Jim Bradshaw, his sons and the entire Capitol team from doing and amazing track prep. However, these scary front / back and mostly cross winds were causing me and Jim some serious safety concerns so we both agreed to make the two qualifying rounds and race1/8 mile. Remember our guys have 1/4-mile tune ups not 1/8 but agreed for safety sake.
Here is what Happened:

Two Qualifying Round Summary.
Ten cars made it down the track (Derek Ward did not show up until later) with only 3 cars running in the three second range. Chuck Ulsch a new comer to the NEOPMA was number one qualifier with a 3.727 with Dave Norris a close second with a 3.735 and the Pilot / King / Miller team a fast 3.749. Chuck Ulsch took the number one qualifying position and wins our new “SCREW THE SCREW BLOWERS / TURBOS “ $1,000.00 Bounty/award. This award is provided by an anonymous sponsor who wants to remain in the background. So, we had our 8 Car Pro Mod Elite ladder / Eliminations set up with only two cars for our Pro Mod eliminations.
Eliminations Pro Mod Elite Summary
Round One: Chuck Ulsch (3.73) easily defeat Gary Hood tire shake 8.00. Fred Scriba (5.14) also had tire shake while the Montana / Harrell Team went straight down (3.95) and winning. Dave Norris was surprised but won when Ed Burnley ran a quick 3.81 against his 3.81. Steve King was taking no chances (3.72) against young Matt Dietsch (3.90) who has been running well and cutting great lights.

Round Two
The Montana / Harrell Team (3.94) lost to Chuck Ulsch (3.74). While the Pilot /King/ Miller Team violent tire shake (7.68) allowed Dave Norris easy win (4.38) into the finals.
Final Round Three
Dave Norris broke his transmission and was unable to return for the final round. Chuck ran it out the back door and ran an unbelievable3.70 hurting the front end by hitting a rubber cone.
Results …Chuck wins the PME pay out ($ 5,000.00) as well as the SCREWTHE SCREW BLOWERS / TURDOS additional $2,000.00 Bounty .as well as the $1,000.00 mentioned earlier. Plus, our amazing trophy and three large checks.

Eliminations Pro Mod;
Round One / Finals
Derrick Townes still working the kinks was beaten by Steve Drummond. Steve took home real great pay out, a beautiful trophy and a large check.
Congrats to all the teams for a super race. Thanks to those racers and spectators who went out of their way to attend. Thanks to the track for a great, safe fast track. A special thanks to our sponsors and the NEOPMA staff for their support and help.