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Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA

NEOPMA Pro Mod Association Makes Quadriplegic Man Outlaw For A Day

Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMACrofton, Maryland – Joshua Boyd a quadriplegic man since 2008 spent part of his day as “An Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan For A Day” at the recent “Battle On The Hill / Paul Woods Sr. Memorial Race” at Capitol Raceway Maryland. What a great feeling to be part of a special day in the life of a young quadriplegic man’s life who loves the NEOPMA Pro Modified series. Joshua Boyd was just that young man as a guest of the Northeast Outlaw Pro Mod Association and Capitol Raceway.

The NEOPMA Series had received notice that this young man from Mount Airy Maryland would be attending the race, NEOPMA President John Mazzorana and our entertainment director Tony Mignogno made sure is was especially memorable. Tony spotted young Josh who was paralyzed in a severe car accident in 2008 with his family and friends behind the railings enjoying much of the warm sunny day when Tony realized we could give him a better seat and some interaction with the crowd.

Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMAMignogno is known for gearing up the fans with T Shirt tosses and brought young Joshua right up in there with him along with his family. Joshua who is wheelchair bound and has only movement in his head and one hand was ecstatic being that close to the action, his severe injury places heavy limits on any activity and his family keeps close watch on him. Today became even more memorable as he was already thrilled by the day’s events he had already witnessed; a bigger surprise was about to come.

Jimmy Bradshaw of Capitol Raceway at NEOPMA’s request allowed the young man to be seated squarely in the starter’s box during the heat of eliminations competition. Nestled between 6,000 horsepower combined on each run, pass after pass Tony Mignogno would give Joshua a rundown of who was coming up next as he could not see behind him while the cars began their burnouts. Joshua was able to see and feel the intense action and rumble of these machines as they launch to speeds of up to 240MPH at sometimes less than six seconds in a quarter mile.

You just don’t get a better view than this and Joshua was truly and “Outlaw For The Day” with the NEOPMA Series Team and Capitol Raceway.

Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA
Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA
Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA
Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA
Joshua Boyd quadriplegic Outlaw Pro Modified Drag Racing Fan NEOPMA

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