Home / Pro Mod News / NEOPMA Anniversary Race Moved Again Due to Weather
Fredy Scriba Camaro Pro Mod by Van Abernathy of Drag Illustrated
Fredy Scriba Camaro Pro Mod by Van Abernathy of Drag Illustrated

NEOPMA Anniversary Race Moved Again Due to Weather

Fredy Scriba Camaro Pro Mod by Van Abernathy of Drag Illustrated
Fredy Scriba Camaro Pro Mod by Van Abernathy of Drag Illustrated

The Northeast Outlaw Pro Mod Association (NEOPMA) 31st Anniversary Race, held in conjunction with Maryland International Raceway’s Door Wars, has been postponed due to cold, rainy weather forecasted for this weekend, race officials announced today.

“To say we’re disappointed is an understatement,” said John Mazzorana, founder and president, NEOPMA. “After having to cancel our $30,000-to-win 30th anniversary race last fall due to a hurricane, we were all excited to celebrate with a big season opener at MIR. We had a good number of really fast Pro Mod cars planning to attend – around 40 cars including our loyal club members, plus racers from Texas, Missouri, and lots of guys from Canada. Thank you to the NEOPMA team, Royce Miller and his staff at MIR, and the racers and sponsors who all worked hard to make our 31st anniversary a real fun event. We’ll try again later this year.”

“All racing for this weekend’s Atomizer Racing Injectors Door Wars presented by ATI Performance Products has been cancelled due to impending weather,” said a statement on the MIR website. “With the high probability of rain throughout the entire weekend, it doesn’t make sense to try and force the event in. While we know that there will be times on Saturday and Sunday that it will not be raining, there won’t be enough dry track time to get an event of this size completed. With the distance, time, and travel cost many racers would incur to attend this event, it would be unfair to ask them to make the trip.

“Unfortunately, there is no date on the MIR 2023 schedule to reschedule this event where the circuits are available,” the statement continued. “So, this event will not be rescheduled. The ‘31 for 31’ NEOPMA race will be moved to the Superchargers Showdown on October 6th-8th.”

NEOPMA was set to pay out $31,000 between the winners in two Pro Mod classes, one for screw blowers, roots blowers, and ProChargers and one for nitrous and turbochargers. The total NEOPMA payouts for the event were around $45,000. The club also had a free barbecue dinner planned for its racers.

The series and its racers will now move on to the second race on the 2023 schedule, the House of Chaos Door Car Fury, May 12-13, at Maple Grove Raceway near Reading, Pennsylvania.

For more info regarding the postponement of MIR Door Wars featuring the NEOPMA 31st anniversary race, visit www.NEOutlawProMods.com and www.GoRaceMIR.com.

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