Lots of new cars, first time out and we went fast and see below.
1. One week before the race it was snowing and super cold at MDIR. The weather on Friday and Saturday was great. Sunday not so good but Royce and Rick moved the schedule around so we got three rounds in. The traction was amazing …to say it had teeth would be an understatement.
2. Due to the early start several fast club cars weren’t ready. The Scriba / Pappas / Marinis / Ferguson / Mohn teams and several others couldn’t make it and we still had 18 cars in attendance.
3. Tom Gray’s new car won’t be ready for a while so Tom bought his old car back, drove almost across the country to pick it up, rewired it ,rebuilt the motor assembled everything and turned a 5.78.
4. Tyler Hard and Kevin McCurdy strutted their stuff. Tyler never drove a blower car and ran consistent 5.82s as Kevin was right there with him at 5.85. This was a brand new car with a brand new blower driver.
This and more is WHY WIZARDRY
And then came the races: Two very fast cars broke in Time Trials Jim Bell / Carl Stevens and Dwayne Wolfe
Qualifying Round Summary … The teams were knocking the cob webs off but 5 cars managed to run in the 5s.
1. Tyler Hard 5.825
2. Jason White 5.843
3. Rick Hord 5.857
4. Kevin McCurdy 5.857
5. Craig Pio 5.981
6. Ed Burnley 6.096
7. Steve Drummond 6.139
8. Tony Braglio 6.530
9. Rob Hunnicutt 6.69
10. Gary Hood 6.69
11. Fifi Montrond/ Scott Filkins 7.21
12. King / Pilot/ Miller team 7.50
13. Jim Bersani 7.57
14. Vinny Budano 7.79
15. Todd Fontana 11.98
16. Tommy Gray 25.52
Round One …Lots Of Upsets
Tom Gray won running a 5.79 to Tyler Hard’s 5.85. Door to door race with the crowds on their feet with wild cheers. Tony Braglio had issues and did not make it to the line so Rob Hunnicutt ran an easy 11.94. Kevin McCurdy ran a 5.93 losing to Jim Bersani’s 5.88 with a slightly better light. Craig Pio’s 5.90 beat Steve King 6.87 having to lift as the car was going left .Jason White’s 5.91 beat Todd Fontana who was struggling with demons all day. Steve Drummond’s car creeped past the lights (fouled) losing to Gary Hood (6.93) Vinny Budano (5.96) lost to Rick Hord (5.89). Congratulations to Vin for his first pass in the 5’s. Montround / Filkins /Russo team (14.09) lost to Ed Burnley 6.15.
Round Two: Some Breakage
Gray 5.80 beat Hunnicutt (New beautiful Mustang) 6.42 Bersani 6.65 had to lift and lost to Pio 5.90 Jason White couldn’t make the call so Hood took the win Rick Hord hurt to engine and couldn’t make the call so Burnley won .
Round Three
Tom Gray ran a 5.78 beating Craig Pio who had to lift 8.43 Gary Hood clutch problems lost to Ed Burnley 6.13

Hopefully we will hold the finals at Atco on May 12.
All and all a great race thanks to Royce, Rick and the entire MDIR Team our NEOPMA racers. Our club officials did a super job of getting everyone to the line, announcing, pics, media coverage and promoting our sponsors. A special thanks to Door Slammers Plus and the rest of our marketing team for great coverage. Thank You.