What an amazing weekend. Maple Grove Raceway was terrific in many ways. The 16 PM cars that attended were happy even though the weather forecast was terrible. The Maple Grove team were welcoming, friendly and very professional. The periodic rain made the performance of the Maple Grove team stand out even more. The track prep was the best I’ve ever seen at the Grove. They ran the event efficiently with minimal time wasted in the lanes waiting. Great Job Maple Grove Team!!!
Three other things deserving compliments are… 1. Super attendance and loyalty of our club members and 2. As always extremely well-run organization by Rocco / Mel and 3. Good job of announcing by Rockin Rob.
Here is what Happened:
Friday Testing: Approximately 10 cars showed up to test / park. Later in the day 4 additional cars came and by Saturday morning we had 16 cars at the Grove. Slight showers early that morning but quickly dried up so testing was on all day and night.
Saturday: Cloudy and overcast with sprinkles so we had only two qualifying rounds. We finished round two AND THEN THE RAINS CAME and I mean BIG RAIN so we had a long delay. By the time round two was over we had 4 cars at 5.90s or faster with the top 9 cars at 6.08 or faster. The 16-car field was set with eliminations to start at 4:30 PM. The heat and humidity was brutal with no air.
Round 1: Dave Norris on his first day out this season went a 6.19 @ 232 MPH fouling on the line to Al Martorino’s 6.03 @ 234 MPH. Kevin McCurdy ran a 5.964 @ 241 MPH but struggling all day with transmission electrical issues had a bye run as Jim Bersani broke earlier. Billy Harper ran a 5.91 @ 240 MPH beating Vinny Budano tire shake run of 8.64. Joe Dunne’s electrical problems ran a 6.86 @143 MPH losing to Craig Pio also struggling 6.09 @ 246 MPH. Tyler Hard first real full pass in two years ran a 6.12 @ 233 MPH (good job) lost to Fred Scriba’s 5.97 @ 238 MPH. Steve King / Jeff Miller team still having issues ran a 6.03 @ 236 beating Steve Drummond who cut a super .004 light but problems slowed the car to a 7.06. Dean Marinis / Harry Pappas Team ran a 6.04 @ 239 MPH defeating Nick Montana / Tomasina Racing team fouled. Dwayne Wolfe 6.08 beat Andy Jensen 7.2 ET.
Round 2: Slight drizzles forced delays. Then it stopped but still cloudy, The Maple Grove guys did an amazing and fast job of drying the track and making it Pro Mod ready. Dean Marinis ran a 5.93 at 240 beating Craig Pio with a 6.10 @ 246. Billy Harper ran a 5.85 @ 241 beating Al Martorino’s 6.03 @ 232. Steve King fouled but ran a 6.03 @ 235 against Fred Scriba 5.96 @ 239. Kevin McCurdy beat Dwayne Wolfe as Dwayne almost lost control and had to lift (McCurdy 6.28 vs Wolfe 8.27)

Round 3: Billy Harper ran a 6.02 beating Fred Scriba who had to lift almost kissing the wall. Dean Marinis ran a 5.94 getting a bye run against Kevin McCurdy who could not get the transmission out of reverse after the burnout.
Round 4: Due to the delays caused by the on and off drizzle and rain we ran into curfew issues. Billy Harper and Pappas / Marinis team split the purse. Billy is unable to make it to any other of our races and therefore the winner points will be awarded to the Pappas / Marinis team.
We have a busy August through early October so I suggest you take this time to freshen your equipment. Five big races left in the season.
Regards, John
Photos By BlackRock Photography
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Video By “Unik Drag Videos And Photos”