Home / Pro Mod Race Results / Race Wrap Up The Knock-Down at E-Town 2017

Race Wrap Up The Knock-Down at E-Town 2017

IMG_4696bTwenty Five years ago the NEOPMA had its first race at Englishtown in March 1992. Yesterday we closed out our 25th year at E-Town in front of a very large crowd of spectators. The spectators were primarily interested in the family type of event however, the spectators crowded around our cars a lot. I did receive a large number of compliments from spectators who came both to see us and the show.

Thanks to E-Town for having us, to the PM Imports who joined us for this race, to our NEOPMA racers who came even though they raced the previous week,to the sponsors who helped support the event, to the very large press / media and special thanks to the NEOPMA Officials for great support.

Quick Summary:
To my knowledge, the NEOPMA is the first Association that allows and welcomes Pro Mods and Pro Mod Imports to race together in one class as equals. Again, as innovators our association welcomes PM Imports to join and race with us to provide true rivalry. That’s right… PMI are competing with us on the same ladder. The NEOPMA believes that Pro Mod Imports have graduated into the major leagues and are capable to run with in the 5.80s and 5.90s and should be the new category of PM just like blowers, nitrous and turbos.

On September 30 – October 1, 2017 the NEOPMA had a Historic event at E-Town. Eight PMI joined 10 NEOPMA racers in battle. Although many of the Imports were struggling and some breakage they made the event even more memorable.

Here is what happened;

Qualifiers ended with all 16 cars in the field however 3 PMI and 1 PM broke before round one. Good News; the Vinnie Budano team were getting the car down the track with 6.10s etc.
Eliminations started with our guys dominating the field. Round two was better but the track was prepped well for Imports but not great for our cars. Round three was better with Dean Marinis / Harry Pappas team running a 5.85 easily beating a tire shaking Budano team 12.73. Craig Pio fouled while Steve King ran a 5.93 winning the round. That round ended at 7:10 PM, curfew was 7:30 PM. Earlier the large number of oil downs and fire at the motor cross track made it impossible to finish the race. The dollars and points were split evenly.
All in all a great season. Thank you for your attendance and Support.

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