In light of the COVID-19 virus and State of Maryland directives, we will not be able to hold the Door Wars event as scheduled. However, we have rescheduled the Door Wars event to Aug 21-23, 2020.
Door Wars will be combined with the IHRA Sportsman Spectacular that same weekend. The Sportsman Spectacular is the full Speed Unlimited ET Series with points each day for a special purse and entry fee, with the same classes that were already scheduled for Door Wars.
The event and schedule will look very much the same as the originally scheduled April Door Wars. All the purses, Ironman trophies and entry fees for the Sportsman Spectacular will remain the same. Some of the special activities like the pit bike race will have to be dropped due to time constraints.
This will be an action packed weekend you won’t want to miss!! FOR COMPLTETE UPDATES VISIT Maryland International Raceway’s NEOPMA Race Update Click Here